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Price: USD $500.00

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Commercial arbitration training for both advocates and new arbitrator on strategies and practices for effective arbitrations.

  • Harold Coleman
  • Jeff Zaino
  • Charlie Moxley
  • Lea Haber Kuck
  • Luis Martinez
  • Michelle Skipper
  • Mansi Karol
  • Robyn Weinstein

West LegalEdcenter is procuring continuing legal education (CLE) credits on behalf of American Arbitration Association. This program is available for CLE credits in New York. Credit amounts vary by attendance verification and jurisdictional rules and cannot be confirmed in advance of the program.


As part of its long-standing, ongoing educational mission, the American Arbitration Association grants a limited number of scholarships that cover the cost of educational program registration. Scholarship eligibility is limited to students, government workers, retired professionals, arbitrators/mediators who are no longer active on the AAA roster, and others as may be determined by the AAA. To request a registration fee scholarship, please send an email to Include your current position and affiliation, and a brief description of the basis for your registration fee scholarship request. The American Arbitration Association reserves the right to grant or deny any request based on the information provided by the requesting individual and available space in the program.


To get the discounted rate, please enter the following promo code EarlyBirdClass_1 at the bottom of the checkout screen. This early bird promotion code expires on May 26th, 2024.

Total: USD $500.00