80 Minutes

The ground rules pertaining to evidence in arbitration can be unexpected for those not familiar with the arbitral environment, and while arbitration is less formal than litigation, there are still rules that apply. 
This recorded webinar focuses on answering the following questions for those individuals representing themselves in an arbitration:

  • What are the things that a party needs to do before the arbitration hearing to get documents organized and admitted?
  • What are the things that a party needs to do at the arbitration hearing to get documents admitted into evidence?
  • What can a party do to organize and present documentary evidence in an evidentiary hearing to maximize its effectiveness for persuading the arbitrator(s) deciding the case?

WHO WOULD BENEFIT FROM THIS PRESENTATION – Anyone anticipating representing themselves in an arbitrator or any individual unfamiliar with presenting evidence in arbitration.

Michael Briggs, Lake Tahoe, NV
Nancy Spieczny, San Diego, CA

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