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Locked Navigating the Evidence & Discovery Roadmap in Arbitration

  • Published: Feb 5, 2024
  • Duration 1.5h
  • Rating
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Price: USD $100.00

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90 Minutes

Arbitration is less formal than litigation, and arbitrators are not required to follow the rules of evidence. At the same time, many of the rules of evidence are grounded in the fundamental question—equally applicable to arbitration—of whether a particular item of evidence is reliable, and of the weight it should be given. Evidentiary objections can be important, as they alert the arbitrator to problems with any specific item of evidence.

This webinar will focus on the following:

  • recent developments in the law of evidence;
  • whether a party risks vacatur when it successfully opposes discovery or asks for the exclusion of evidence;
  • the role of e-discovery in arbitration;
  • the expansion of discovery if dispositive motions are to be filed;
  • best practices for counsel and arbitrators;
  • strategies for preparing a case in arbitration and how the arbitrator’s rulings on relevance and
  • hearsay may have a significant impact on the outcome of the case.


Edward T. Ellis, Littler Philadelphia, PA

Richard T. Seymour, Washington, DC

The AAA does not offer CLE in any jurisdiction for our on-demand programs, but you may be able to use a copy of the certificate available at the conclusion of the course to submit for CLE credit on your own (we recommend that you confirm availability of CLE in your jurisdiction for this type of course).

Total: USD $100.00