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Locked How to Effectively Deal With the 300 Change Order Dispute

  • Published: Feb 5, 2024
  • Duration 1h
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Price: USD $50.00

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60 Minutes

We’ve all heard about the case involving tens if not hundreds of individual change orders that need to be decided. In this recorded webinar experienced construction industry lawyers and arbitrators discuss:  What is the best approach as the advocate and the arbitrator in dealing with that situation? How can the advocates help make the arbitrator’s job easier in deciding this type of case?  In order to make the proceedings cost-efficient and effective, the AAA teaches its arbitrators to exercise the proper amount of control over the proceedings. But what happens when the parties collectively resist and want the arbitrators to exercise less (not more) control? Get the answers here.


Adrian Bastianelli, Peckar & Abramson, P.C. Washington, DC

Neal Eiseman, Eiseman ADR LLC New York, NY

Karen Layng, Scheck Industries Westmont, IL

Wendy Venoit, Hinckley Allen Boston, MA

The AAA does not offer CLE in any jurisdiction for our on-demand programs, but you may be able to use a copy of the certificate available at the conclusion of the course to submit for CLE credit on your own (we recommend that you confirm availability of CLE in your jurisdiction for this type of course).

Total: USD $50.00