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Price: USD $50.00

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Join us for an insightful webinar, "Transparent Connections: A Comprehensive Framework for Arbitrator Disclosure in the Era of Social Media," where we delve into the intricate landscape of arbitrator disclosure. In today's digital age, where social media plays a pivotal role in networking and professional relationships, it's crucial for arbitrators to navigate these platforms transparently. This session will offer a structured framework tailored for arbitrators, enabling them to effectively disclose their social media connections to arbitration participants. Learn practical strategies, best practices, and ethical considerations necessary to maintain integrity and fairness in arbitration proceedings amidst the digital interconnectedness of our world. Whether you're an arbitrator, legal professional, or involved in dispute resolution, this webinar is your guide to fostering trust, transparency, and ethical conduct within arbitration processes.


Mitchell E. Zamoff
Assistant Dean of Experiential Education
J. Stewart and Mario Thomas McClendon Professor in Law and
Alternative Dispute Resolution

West LegalEd center is procuring continuing legal education (CLE) credits on behalf of American Arbitration Association.  This program is available for CLE credits in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin. Credit amounts vary by attendance verification and jurisdictional rules and cannot be confirmed in advance of the program.

Total: USD $50.00